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Monthly Archives: July 2019
Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook
This portal draws on the intelligence gathered by the Central Intelligence Agency and provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Visit Site
The ScienceGeist portal provides access to a curated collection of articles on science policy issues.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Commission on science and technology for Development acts as a forum for the examination of science and technology questions and their implications for development; the advancement of understanding on science and technology policies, particularly in respect of developing countries; and the formulation of recommendations and guidelines on …
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has particular strengths on research and development and patent data as it developed the Frascati Manual and the Oslo Manual which specify data definitions and classifications for these areas. The OECD’s main science and technology indicators database provides a set of indicators that reflect the level and …
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Economics for Inclusive Prosperity
This portal provides access to policy briefs written by economists who believe that mainstream (orthodox) economics should serve to create inclusive prosperity, not just wealth-based prosperity for the few. “Inclusive” means that the interest of all people should be considered, and “prosperity” is considered broadly, including non-monetary sources of well-being such as health, climate change …
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation Institute for Statistics
The United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation Institute for Statistics is the official source of internationally-comparable data on education, literacy, science and technology, culture and communication. The organisation has compiled over 1,000 indicators from more than 200 countries and territories in collaboration with international organisations.
Research Information Management System
The Research Information Management System project covers public funding within South Africa’s nine science councils (public research organisations) and 23 of its higher education institutions. The Research Administration System allows for the administration of research through a modularised information and communications technology-based system (expertise management, grant and contracts management, compliance management and administrative modules for …
Nesta is a United Kingdom-based innovation agency. Its services include defining a clear vision for innovation and how to implement it, incorporating innovation policy and strategy, organisational design and research plans. The portal provides access to various tools and resources for public sector innovation and innovation policy.
Observatory of Public Sector Innovation
The Observatory for Public Sector Innovation is a global forum for public sector innovation. The portal provides access to a compendium of toolkits for public sector innovation and transformation.