Green Technology Database
The Green Technology Database portal provides data and visualisation concerning the distribution of environmental patenting activity by countries, over time and by domain of specialisation. ‘Green technology’ patent data can be analysed at various levels of geographical (i.e. metropolitan areas, regions, state, country) and of green domain (e.g. renewable energy generation).
Global Innovation Index
The Global Innovation Index portal provides access to detailed metrics concerning the innovation performance of 127 countries and economies around the world. Its 81 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication. The portal provides access to detailed country reports as well as downloadable data sets.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor studies global entrepreneurial behaviour and attitudes of individuals as well as the national context and how this impacts entrepreneurship. Granular data are provided to the public three years after publication. The web portal provides visualisation of data analysis, country economic profiles and annual global reports.