African Technology Policy Studies Network
The African Technology Policy Studies Network is a multi-disciplinary network of researchers, private sector actors, policy-makers and civil society actors promoting the generation, dissemination, use and mastery of science, technology and innovation for African development, environmental sustainability and global inclusion. The organisation’s mission is to improve the quality of science, technology and innovation research, policy and practice for sustainable development in Africa, by Africans and for Africa. The portal’s Publications section includes working papers, research papers, special papers, ‘technopolicy’ briefs and other reports for policy-makers.
Board of Innovation
Board of Innovation is an innovation-focused consultancy that describes itself as a “global business design agency”. Its services include business design, talent development and strategy. The portal provides free access to innovation-related guides, tools and webinars.
Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
The Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators is a statistical and policy research unit of the Human Sciences Research Council. The Centre undertakes national surveys on research and development, innovation and technology transfer in South Africa, mostly for the Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology (DHEST).
Economics for Inclusive Prosperity
This portal provides access to policy briefs written by economists who believe that mainstream (orthodox) economics should serve to create inclusive prosperity, not just wealth-based prosperity for the few. “Inclusive” means that the interest of all people should be considered, and “prosperity” is considered broadly, including non-monetary sources of well-being such as health, climate change and political rights.
European Commission Joint Research Centre
The Joint Research Centre is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to European Union policy. The portal’s Research section has policy information across ten scientific areas (agriculture and food security, economic and monetary union, energy and transport, environment and climate change, health and consumer protection, information society, innovation and growth, nuclear safety and security, safety and security, and standards). The portal’s Knowledge section has links to the various knowledge and competence centres (e.g. the bio-economy and tools for policy-making), various scientific tools and data sets, and access to the centre’s publications.
European Commission Research and Innovation Observatory
The Research and Innovation Observatory monitors and analyses research and innovation developments at country and European Union levels to support better policy making in Europe. The portal is a reference and source of information for European and national policy makers as well as other stakeholders in the field of research and innovation policy. It delivers analysis, insights, statistical data and best practices on designing, implementing and evaluating research and innovation policy at European Union and national levels.
Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments
The Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments portal presents a methodological tool to map national science, technology and innovation landscapes and analyse associated policies and their implementation. The open-access platform offers databases with graphic and analytical tools for the use of decision-makers, parliamentarians, universities, knowledge brokers, companies, specialists and the general public, with a complete set of diverse policy information.
Innovation Bridge
The Innovation Bridge portal is an online technology matchmaking platform that aims to create linkages and networks between commercialisation funding partners and researchers, innovators, industry and technology developers in South Africa. The portal lists the main funding schemes for research, development and innovation in South Africa, as well as available technologies across several technology readiness levels.
Innovation Policy Platform
The Innovation Policy Platform is a web-based interactive space that provides easy access to knowledge, learning resources, indicators and communities of practice on the design, implementation and evaluation of innovation policies. The portal helps users learn how innovation systems operate, identify good practices across different countries, conduct statistical benchmarking and devise and apply effective policy solutions.
Millennium Project
The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank with the purpose of improving humanity’s prospects for building a better future via improved thinking about the future for better decision-making today. The initiatives of the Millennium Project are the annual State of the Future publication, the Global Futures Intelligence System, Futures Research Methodologies toolkit and special studies. (Access only on a paid/subscription basis.) There is also a South African node.
National Advisory Council on Innovation Science, Technology and Innovation Information Portal
The National Science, Technology and Innovation Information Portal is a repository of data and information for the South African National System of Innovation. The portal consists of interactive data visualisations based on the annual National Research and Development Surveys, the main policies, strategies and instruments, and policy briefs and articles on various topics.
Nesta is a United Kingdom-based innovation agency. Its services include defining a clear vision for innovation and how to implement it, incorporating innovation policy and strategy, organisational design and research plans. The portal provides access to various tools and resources for public sector innovation and innovation policy.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has particular strengths in research and development and patent data as it developed the Frascati Manual and the Oslo Manual which specify data definitions and classifications for these areas. The OECD’s Main Science and Technology Indicators database provides a set of indicators that reflect the level and structure of efforts in the field of science and technology undertaken from 1981 onwards by OECD Member countries and other non-member economies, including South Africa. The indicators cover the resources devoted to research and development, patent families and international trade in research and development-intensive industries. The Scientometrics section provides access to information on the OECD’s work on scientometrics (quantitative study of science, communication in science and science policy) and bibliometrics (the statistical analysis of books, articles or other publications).
Observatory of Public Sector Innovation
The Observatory for Public Sector Innovation is a global forum for public sector innovation. The portal provides access to a compendium of toolkits for public sector innovation and transformation.
RAND Corporation
RAND’s science and technology research area portal provides access to various types of outputs (blogs, briefs, reports, etc.) across more than 80 sub-topics, from aeronautics to unmanned aerial vehicles.
Research Information Management System
The Research Information Management System project covers public funding within South Africa’s nine science councils (public research organisations) and 23 of its higher education institutions. The Research Administration System allows for the administration of research through a modularised information and communications technology-based system (expertise management, grant and contracts management, compliance management and administrative modules for technology transfer and reporting research outputs). The Business Intelligence Warehouse allows institutions to store information pertaining to publicly-funded research in a partitioned and confidential environment, allowing institutions to benchmark against one another, and providing the Department of Science and Technology with a view of the impact of publicly-funded research and the return on investment. (The portal is not publicly available. Access to the portal needs to be requested via the Department.)
Robert Phaal/Cambridge Roadmapping
Roadmapping is an approach and method for supporting the development of strategy and innovation, with application at the business, corporate, sector and national levels. The portal provides access to various roadmapping resources, including templates.
The ScienceGeist portal provides access to a curated collection of articles on science policy issues.
Southern African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association
The Southern African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association is the industry body for private equity and venture capital asset classes in Southern Africa. The portal provides access to the association’s annual Venture Capital Industry Survey and Private Equity Industry Survey, amongst other resources.
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation Institute for Statistics
The United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation Institute for Statistics is the official source of internationally-comparable data on education, literacy, science and technology, culture and communication. The organisation has compiled over 1,000 indicators from more than 200 countries and territories in collaboration with international organisations.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: Commission on Science and Technology for Development
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Commission on science and technology for Development acts as a forum for the examination of science and technology questions and their implications for development; the advancement of understanding on science and technology policies, particularly in respect of developing countries; and the formulation of recommendations and guidelines on science and technology matters within the United Nations system. The portal provides access to various reports and minutes of meetings.
Washington Center for Equitable Growth
The Washington Center for Equitable Growth is a non-profit research and grant-making organisation that aims to promote the use of evidence for policy-making for economic growth. The organisation is United States-focused, and its focus is on competition, families, inequality and mobility, labour, and tax and macroeconomics. The portal provides access to working papers on the links between inequality and economic growth.