Centre for the Study of Existential Risks
The Centre for the Study of Existential Risks focuses on the study and mitigation of existential risks associated with emerging technologies and human activity, and to develop a methodological toolkit to aid in identifying and evaluating future extreme risks. Work focuses on managing extreme technological risks, global catastrophic biological risks, extreme risks and the global environment, and risks from artificial intelligence. The portal provides access to various resources (publications, videos, reports, etc.)
European Commission Public Opinion Eurobarometer
The European Commission’s Public Opinion Eurobarometer portal provides access to data and reports on public attitudes to a wide range of topics including the European Union, climate change, space exploration, science and genetic modification of crops.
Freedom House
Freedom House works to defend human rights and promote democratic change, with a focus on political rights and civil liberties. The organisation publishes an annual Freedom in the World report, a comparative assessment of global political rights and civil liberties, Freedom on the Net report, an annual survey and analysis of global internet and digital media freedom, and other regular and ad-hoc reports.
Future of Life Institute
The Future of Life Institute is a volunteer-run research and outreach organisation that works to mitigate existential risks facing humanity, particularly existential risk from advanced artificial intelligence, but also from biotechnology, nuclear weapons and climate change. The portal provides access to articles and other news items.
Great Transitions Initiative
The Great Transition Initiative is an international network for the exploration of concepts, strategies and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human solidarity and a resilient biosphere. The portal provides access to data projections (in interactive and tabular formats) and to future scenarios in relation to possible futures (viz. Conventional Worlds, Barbarization and Great Transitions).
Happy Planet Index
The Happy Planet Index presents an alternative to economic growth as a measure of a country’s success and instead measures a country’s sustainable well-being. The index is constructed based on data which measures a country’s life expectancy, well-being, ecological footprint and inequality. The portal provides access to an interactive world map as well as to downloadable data sets.
Human Progress
The HumanProgress.org project seeks to address the wide gap between the reality of human experience (characterised by incremental improvements) and public perception (which tends to be negative about the current state of the world and sceptical about humanity’s future prospects). The portal presents accessible empirical data on a wide variety of topics relating to progress.
Pew Research Global Attitudes Project
The Pew Research Global Attitudes Project portal provides access to a range of international attitudes surveys covering issues such as climate change, attitudes towards the United States, the use of social media, life satisfaction and income inequality. The organisation permits the granular data to be downloaded for further analysis two years after reports are published.
Transparency International
Transparency International provides a range of international data comparing perceptions of corruption. The Corruption Perceptions Index measures how corrupt national public sectors are perceived to be. The Global Corruption Barometer measures views and experiences of corruption across the world. The Bribe Payer Index ranks the wealthiest countries by their firms’ propensity to pay bribes.