Government Investment Incentives
The Government Investment Incentives website is the official portal for the South African government’s investment schemes.
Industrial Development Corporation
The Industrial Development Corporation is a national development finance institution established to promote economic growth and industrial development via promoting entrepreneurship through supporting the establishment of competitive industries and enterprises. The organisation’s primary objectives are to contribute to the generation of balanced, sustainable economic growth in Africa and to the economic empowerment of the South African population. The portal provides access to the organisation’s economic, sectoral and industrial research reports.
Public Sector Budget Portal (Vulekamali)
Vulekamali is an easily accessible online budget data portal for the South African public sector. It provides access to various budget-related documents for national and provincial government, as well as downloadable data sets.
Small Business Institute
The Small Business Institute is a lobby and advocacy group for small business in South Africa. The portal provides access to small business-related reports and news.
South African Reserve Bank
The South African Reserve Bank’s primary purpose is to achieve and maintain price stability in the interest of balanced and sustainable economic growth. The portal provides access to the organisation’s various economic research outputs, reports, statistics and data. The on-line statistical query section for historical macroeconomic timeseries information is a useful feature.
Statistics South Africa
Statistics South Africa is the country’s official statistics agency publishes various statistical data on the economy and society.
Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies
Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies is a not-for-profit economic research organisation based focusing on trade and industrial policy, sustainable growth, inequality and economic inclusion. The organisation undertakes research and analysis and facilitates policy development, dialogue and capacity building. The portal affords access to policy research outputs and policy briefs.
World Wild Fund for Nature South Africa
The World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa is dedicated to protecting South Africa’s natural heritage, including plants, animals and people. The portal provides access to the organisation’s research publications.